When looking at a successful person, it’s easy to miss how much work it took for them to get where they are. People see the glory, but they don’t know the hustle behind it.
Becoming the best and highest version of yourself is a journey. A major part of the journey is to recognize moments of opportunity and to seize them when they come along. #beTHEmove means it’s on YOU to act and make the right moves to take advantage of opportunities that pop up.
Everybody has moments of opportunity come up in life, but too often they fail to act on them.
Here are the three main reasons why people let opportunity pass them by.
- Problem: Lack of Confidence
- Solution: Free Yourself From Sabotaging Beliefs
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Jumping at a good opportunity requires belief in yourself, your talents and skills. If your self- confidence is lacking, it can cause hesitation to act.
Ask yourself: What’s your flow? What’s your superpower? What skills and talents do you have in your toolbelt? What have you always been innately good at since childhood? Identify it, and know that when you flow—magic happens. You can’t deny that.
Next ask yourself: Where are your damaging beliefs coming from? Sometimes they start with outside influences like family, peers, community, or culture. When you really look at sabotaging beliefs, you will probably realize they didn’t start with you, but you adopted them from others.
Again, the solution always comes back to self-confidence and trusting that you are your own best captain of your ship. It means moving away from toxic people or situations that reinforce damaging beliefs about yourself, and surrounding yourself with people who lift you up.
- Problem: Fear of the Unknown
- Solution: Flow With What You Know
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Often, jumping at an opportunity means making a change or doing something you’ve never done. For most people, the unknown is uncomfortable or scary. The problem is, fear of what could happen will make nothing happen.
Some people are comfortable with taking risks and others are not. If you fall into that second group, remember you can take a calculated risk—where you weigh the pros and cons of a situation and make an educated decision.
You don’t always have to know every single step along the way before you do something. Most people who take calculated risks don’t have the entire plan mapped out for them.
Again, it comes back to knowing what you innately do well, to trusting and believing in your superpowers.
You have to flow with what you know. If this opportunity would take advantage of your flow—then it’s right. The other unknown details will fall into place. You may not know exactly HOW, but you can bet that they WILL.
- Problem: Lack of Preparedness
- Solution: Change Your Vessel
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When an opportunity presents itself, will you be ready? If not, you can make changes to your “vessel” (your body/ mind/ spirit) to prepare it for opportunity.
Do the training and the work to change your abilities and capabilities to be ready for that moment.
When you change yourself by doing something you’ve never done, it’s an uncomfortable process. How do things become comfortable? By practicing them over and over. Once they become comfortable, you just added another tool to your toolbelt and can now flow with it effortlessly.
Start to be that person you envision yourself in the future. Sign up for the class. Start developing that new habit. Put more energy into advancing that skill. The sooner you do, the sooner Future You will show up.
Finally, remember moments of opportunity do not always present themselves right away as such. If you keep an open mind and heart, and always go with your flow, you will be in the right position to #beTHEmove and jump on every golden opportunity that comes for you.